• Ottawa 613-371-6556 x101
  • Combermere 613-639-5354
  • This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mediation Procedure

Outline of the General Procedure in Mediation

1. Initial contact with solicitors/parties (may include request for preliminary information). Screening for suitability and safety for mediation.  Parties are free and encouraged to contact his or her own solicitor at any time in the procedure.

2. Meeting with the parties:

a. Retainer review and signing.
b. Discussion of process.
c. Discussion of family history including decision making, finances, anger management...
d. Determination of best process for managing separation: mediation? court? etc.
e. Determination of goals.
f. If children, then "Plan of Care"
g. Appropriate referrals.
h. Homework: Information gathering.

3. Second Meeting:

a. Information review
b. (if Children: Plan of Care)
c. Financial options consideration
d. (Subsequent meetings may be necessary to complete required information.)
e. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): detailing issues that appear to be resolved. (This document is unsigned and
    does not constitute a domestic contract.)

4. Opportunity for Independent Legal Advice to consider MOU and consideration of any feedback coming from such advice.

5. Final visit:

a. If advisable,

i. Memorandum of Understanding signing.
ii. alternatively, preparation of draft separation agreement in absence of parties which is then sent to the   solicitors/parties for their consideration.

b. feedback and adjustments
c. signing of final separation agreement

Take control of your future
for you and your family!

"I like people and I want to help them.
Court is no place for family disputes.
It is horribly emotional and financially expensive.
Mediation is the only sane solution if separation is necessary."
- Joseph Hamon

Find Me

I meet with clients in Combermere and on-site throughout the Ottawa Valley, particularly in Pembroke and Ottawa. I have dealt with several clients via Skype and they have been happy with the process.

Confidentiality is assured.

09:00 - 17:00
PO BOX 188, 535 Perrier Road, Combermere, ON., K0J 1L0, CANADA
613-371-6556 x101
Fax 888-567-0812

Contact Me